- Alconox
- AlturnaMats
- American Cement Company
- American Mfg Company
- Baroid®
- Bestolife
- Cemex
- Cetco®
- Chemgrout
- Condux
- Continental Ultra
- D.G.S.I.
- Emco Wheaton Retail
- Foremost
- FilPro
- Gefco
- Gearench
- Good Earth Tools
- Holcim
- Holte Manufacturing
- Jet Lube
- JK Olsen
- Johnson Screens
- Kwik-Zip
- Mincon
- Monoflex
- Mitsubishi Materials
- Morrison Bros. CO
- MudPuppy ®
- Numa
- ORS Nasco
- Pemco
- Pengo Attachments Inc
- Pioneer
- Qwater
- Railhead
- Red Flint
- Ridgid
- Rockmore Int.
- Sakrete
- Sandvik
- Schramm
- Seametrics
- Silica
- Star Iron Works
- Unimin
- U.S. Silica
- Varel International
- Woodbridge Equipment
- Wyo-Ben
Wyo-Ben, is a privately held, family-owned business. We have been in business since 1951, and are a leading producer of Wyoming Bentonite Clay based products. Our materials are used globally in applications such as oil, gas, water well drilling, environmental construction and remediation, hazardous waste treatment, cat litter, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, as well as many other industrial and consumer related products.