- Alconox
- AlturnaMats
- American Cement Company
- American Mfg Company
- Baroid®
- Bestolife
- Cemex
- Cetco®
- Chemgrout
- Condux
- Continental Ultra
- D.G.S.I.
- Emco Wheaton Retail
- Foremost
- FilPro
- Gefco
- Gearench
- Good Earth Tools
- Holcim
- Holte Manufacturing
- Jet Lube
- JK Olsen
- Johnson Screens
- Kwik-Zip
- Mincon
- Monoflex
- Mitsubishi Materials
- Morrison Bros. CO
- MudPuppy ®
- Numa
- ORS Nasco
- Pemco
- Pengo Attachments Inc
- Pioneer
- Qwater
- Railhead
- Red Flint
- Ridgid
- Rockmore Int.
- Sakrete
- Sandvik
- Schramm
- Seametrics
- Silica
- Star Iron Works
- Unimin
- U.S. Silica
- Varel International
- Woodbridge Equipment
- Wyo-Ben
Tibban MFG Inc. – Home of the MudPuppy
Tibban provides only the best products available because our products are built and created by individuals who have got their hands dirty in the field. Years in the drilling industry has given us the knowledge to create machinery that fits the needs of drillers.
Tibban's products have been used traditionally for drilling water wells, but have expanded to being used in geothermal drilling. Tibban's products are currently being used for drilling water wells, as well as geothermal drilling to name just a few of the applications.